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Publisher purchases international publishing rights for South Korea

Ralph Guild, CEO of Interep posses for business/magic portrait



"...could make a best-seller list in 2007

Paul. R. Brown

"He encourages readers to challenge assumptions, build brand trust, discover their competitive edge and create a "wow"-factor."

-Fortune Innovation Forum

“Magic, adventure and better business practices ensue.

-Ken Wheaton

“...he wants to make us question our assumptions.”

-Cheryl Hall

"Follow the Other Hand is a quick read because it's interesting and provides a lot of insights into corporate culture and the ways we create barriers to new thinking approaches or accept conventional wisdom."

-Jeffrey Phillips

“....the perfect book to use to begin change within your organization.”

-Jack Covert

"The way it pays out is that Cohen equates “follow the other hand” with the not-uncommon innovation advice that one should challenge assumptions. And he offers magic as a concrete way readers can test the value of challenging assumptions."

-Renee Hopkins Callahan

“People who don't think they can be more creative in business will probably find that this book will help them remove some of those mental blocks. In my case, I was so impressed with Mr. Cohen's book that I decided to use its principles in my new few briefing documents and assignments for The Billionaire Entrepreneurs' Master Mind. Bravo, Mr. Cohen.”

-Donald Mitchell, Top Three Reviewer

"So many business books hit my desk that I have a simple standard: The author must give me at least one good idea. Follow the Other Hand gave me several in a light and amusing way."

-Michael Wade

"The premise of Follow the Other Hand is certainly an intriguing one - that companies can become more innovative by learning to think like magicians."

-Jackie Hunzinger

“The book? It's a fable, in which our hero, Jonathan West, visits a magician to help his stalled olive-oil-importing business. Magic, adventure and better business practices ensue.”

-Brad Forsythe

“Andy Cohen has combined his expertise as a business consultant with his skills as a magician to create an engaging fable that teaches the reader about freeing up perceptions and ideas inoneself and in one's team in order to create a fresh path to growth and success.”

-Craig Matteson, Top 100 Reviewer

“You will walk away from “Follow the Other Hand” not only with the incentive to become creative and make changes but with an attitude that anything is possible... even a little magic!”

-Beverly Pechin

"The premise of Follow the Other Hand is certainly an intriguing one - that companies can become more innovative by learning to think like magicians."

-Seeds of Growth

“In his new book, Andy Cohen has successfully put the magic back in business. ”

-D. Bedard

“I love it when an author comes up with a unique method to tell an old story. Andy Cohen has accomplished it in spades with Follow the other hand.

-Craig L. Howe

“Quick, innovative takeaways you can universally apply to any business situation you might face.

-Phil Gerbyshak

“The book" Follow the Other Hand" cleverly uses magic to explain how business can use strategy and innovation to shake up tired assumptions and practices.”

-Power Home Biz

“A rare read. In less than two hours this book transforms the way you think about innovation and business creativity.”

-Carol Hamilton, President and General Manager, L’Oreal Paris

“Presto! What Andy Cohen shows up his sleeve is the magic of reinventing your
business. Never take no for an answer-in fact turn the no into a Yes!”

-Steve Cone, Head of Advertising and Global Brand Management, Citigroup

“Follow the Other Hand unleashes the potential for innovation. Try the tricks, learn from the examples of contemporary business creativity, and discover your own unique 'magic'!”

-Susanne Lyons, Executive Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer, Visa USA

 “Follow the Other Hand provides inspirational lessons that change the 
way you listen and respond to your customers.The use of magic as a metaphor 
conjures up all kinds of innovative ideas to invigorate and revitalize your business.

-Chris Neighbour, Leadership Programmes Manager, HSBC

“Andy Cohen has worked real magic with this book. He explores the fundamentals of strategy and innovation in a novel and refreshing way. You will be sure to look at your business with new-found creativity.”

-Nick Pudar, Vice President Planning & Business Development, On-Star Corporation

“I am already using some of the new thinking process to help me analyze a few new business opportunities in which I am contemplating involvement.”

-John Osher, Creator of the Crest Spinbrush

“I absolutely love this!! It is a great story and one that is a BEARY easy read.”

-Maxine Clark, Founder, Chief Executive Bear and Chairman, Build-A-Bear Workshop